Girlfreind Alcoholic Just in Hospital Again How to Commite Her

She rejected me but still acts interested: What does it mean?

A woman has rejected you just she still wants your attention. She might text you, flirt with you, or even intentionally lead you lot on and leave y'all feeling extremely frustrated. At this point, you may be thinking, "Why in the world is this girl playing these games?!" These mind games disturb y'all to the point that this whole situation is driving you lot crazy! I get it. As a omnibus, who too happens to be a woman, I have coached thousands of men in this type of situation. This is something that happens all the fourth dimension and I know exactly what to do.

In this blog, I am going to give you lot some techniques only I volition also give you some insight, every bit a woman, equally to why this is happening. So, if you're in a situation where you're realizing, "She rejected me but still acts interested" you lot're in the right spot!

I welcome your comments, questions, and concerns beneath this web log, then if you demand some communication on your specific situation, all you take to do is comment below and I will try my all-time to respond.

She Rejected Me: The 4 Main Reasons Why Women Reject Men!

In most cases, women decline men for a couple of different reasons and I am going to explain them here for yous.

Reason #1: You're likewise into her

Normally, when y'all are in the attraction stage of dating, you want to brand sure that both of you have a mutual connection and are reciprocating and initiating at more than or less the same level.

What ends upwards happening here is that a man over-initiates, does not get perceptive to her responses, and continues to try and make things work. This typically happens because you like her (of course) but y'all likewise want to get a result right away, and then you don't give her time and space, and this pushes her away. A woman likewise wants to experience similar she has to work for something and when she sees that she has you in the bag, so it makes you less desirable. I'thou not maxim to not give women attention, simply don't rush through things and step yourself. If this is you, don't worry because I will tell you how to fix it further along with this blog.

Reason #2: She'south unavailable or just non ready.

She might be immature or recently out of a divorce and she does non desire to get into anything too serious. When this happens, almost 100% of the time a woman will voice this or show yous through her actions that she does not want to settle down or commit. She might be looking to play the field and have fun with other men. If this is the example she might accept rejected y'all because she saw that you were getting more serious than what she is currently looking for.

Reason #3: She sees yous every bit simply a friend

Some other reason why yous might exist thinking, "She rejected me simply still acts interested" is that she feels that you are more of a friend than annihilation else. This could be for numerous reasons. Mayhap y'all weren't direct and you lot did not take the atomic number 82 but instead, you said "Aye" to her all the time. Information technology did non give her whatsoever substance of who you lot truly. You were constantly trying to make her happy just forgot well-nigh yourself during this time.

This happens often when you put a woman on a pedestal and you look at her equally the prize and forget you're a prize every bit well. Women are attracted to the inner confidence of a man and I talk virtually how to get out of the friend zone anymore in my product here!

Reason #4: You don't inspire her

Women want to be inspired by a man and true inspiration comes from motivation and positivity. She wants to larn from you then if your life just becomes all about her, how tin can she be motivated past that? Being aligned with a purpose and following and going after something that makes yous happy is exactly what you have to do in guild to become her to think of yous as high-quality and different from anybody else.

She atomic number 82 me on so rejected me: The seven mutual reasons WHY…

Listen, women tin sometimes be the nigh confusing creatures on the planet and sometimes we tin can even confuse ourselves! I want to be 100% clear about something hither. If a woman rejected y'all and is leading you on and you continue to stick around, and so you lot are already doing something incorrect.

You lot must have a sense of self-respect for yourself and represent how y'all are willing to be treated. The one thing I say to men constantly is if a adult female is disrespectful or is playing with your emotions and finding joy in information technology, so it's your fault for sticking around. Never in a million years would I suggest whatsoever man be with a woman that does this to him.

Why? Considering this is toxic beliefs which leads to unhealthy relationships. There are women out there that will use yous for attention and want y'all to stick around then they will breadcrumb yous here and there and accept you lot when they desire you. So my question to you, is this a i-rails relationship? If information technology's on her runway then I want y'all to follow the tips I'm going to requite you in the next department.

At that place are several reasons equally to this may exist happening, in a nutshell, these are:

  1. Coming on way too strong.
  2. You aren't authentic and you're trying to be someone you're not.
  3. She is dating someone else and entertaining another option right now.
  4. She sees that you want more of a physical human relationship than annihilation else.
  5. She just not feeling it and she does not encounter you as an ideal partner.
  6. Y'all are non forming an emotional connection.
  7. You're simply a friend!

Read on below for more detail on these reasons!

How to become girls to similar yous instead of rejecting you.

Lastly, the simply time I would encourage you to peradventure stick around is when a woman is open with you that she wants to be with you simply is going through a difficult time like studies, loss of a family member, child troubles, etc. When a woman is open with you on why she pb you lot on and and then rejected you, and then this is when y'all just need to be focused on you and show her that you lot will be ok with or without her instead of proving that you can help her through this rough fourth dimension.

If she needs the back up so support her but also show her that you will give her personal space and not get overbearing. A lot of times when we similar or love someone nosotros become into what I phone call "flight or fight" fashion, and this is not where I want you to go. This means that y'all are trying to make the goal fast and you are frantically recovering, and trying to brand upwardly for everything and typically giving 100% of your attention that you lot lose yourself in the pursuit and this is what will kill attraction.

Reason #1 Coming on style too strong.

You take to footstep yourself and not put a woman on a pedestal. When you engagement a woman, you lot might think that she is the best option you've ever had, simply women tin feel this if you treat her as though you lot've never had a daughter like her before. If this is you then I want you to back away and starting time letting her come to yous more than. You can go on other dates and show her that it's not all almost her at the moment and if not, I want you to dedicate some time to yourself and go back your sense of cocky. So she starts to come across that she wants you!

Reason #ii: Y'all aren't accurate and y'all're trying to be someone you're not.

In that location are a lot of people teaching techniques that make you not authentic and you may think if you say some "perfect" line and so you lot can get the girl. Completely false. Invest in the things that you are going to feel comfortable with, clarify yourself and so cull to learn from someone like me or someone else who preaches this. 🙂

Reason #3: She is dating someone else and entertaining some other pick right at present.

Don't focus on existence jealous of the other guy and getting bent out of shape because things aren't going your manner. Stay grounded in your dignity if this happens and move forward. You don't want to exist looked at as a desperate homo if she and the other guy don't work out. If they don't then you have a better opportunity because she saw your willingness to walk away and respect yourself.

Reason #4 She sees that you desire more of a physical relationship than anything else.

Sometimes men lead with their sexual desires because this is what they've been taught. If y'all are dating a high-quality woman that wants the relationship and then she is not going to take you seriously. If you get rejected because of this don't lose confidence and show her something different.

Reason #5 She just not feeling it and she does not see you as an ideal partner.

Mind, we aren't meant to exist everyone'due south cup of tea and if we build expectations to exist everyone's ideal partner, then we commencement to take personal offense to every rejection. If you permit go of expectations then y'all volition deliver more quality and abundance to the allure stage and the relationship. Sometimes girls simply don't feel information technology. It'due south the same for men, sometimes you just don't feel it with a woman.

Reason #6 Yous are not forming an emotional connection.

You are non having any depth in the conversations and you practice not form any other connection. No emotional connectedness and no physical connectedness. Women make up one's mind when they want to slumber with you or how they feel virtually you based on how you make them feel. Lucky for you I accept an escalation cheat canvass and a transmission of 20 questions to enquire women to get to know her truthful self.

Reason #7 You're just a friend!

Y'all have not figured out how to chief the dynamics when information technology comes to pursuing women. Women end upward seeing men every bit a friend when he does not stick out from the other men. He doesn't take his own stance, he's too nice, there is no claiming, and he is always doing everything the woman wants and non showing her that he is ok with her or ok without her. Basically, this happens when he is in demand and not confident with his purpose. If these ring a bell with y'all I highly encourage you to invest in my Friend Zone No More Product!

Should I ignore her after she rejected me

Here's the thing, guys. There are plenty of scenarios where a woman will reject you and all the same effort to get attention from you and you're left thinking, "Should I ignore her?" If you're in a state of affairs where you guys work together or mayhap go to the aforementioned gym, you may not be able to ignore her, so the key here is to bear witness her that you are non going to play her games! You take to show her that if she rejected you, you lost no sleep over it and y'all couldn't really care less. This is the inner confidence that I talk about a lot! When a adult female rejects you and you show her that you're mad, hurt, or disappointed then you gave up your sense of control and no one tin give their sense of control away unless they choose to. Listen, you may like this girl and think she'southward perfect but if you desire a take a chance with her, then you accept to brand sure you do not surrender your sense of control and actually master your attraction skills when it comes to trying to re-attract her.

Part of re-allure is understanding that you are non attached to an issue and we are not obsessing over ane want. Yes, I know that this can be painful to hear but this is the truth. When we beginning getting attached to someone then we are preventing our all-time selves from showing up. I desire y'all to have the mindset that if it does non work out, then it is what it is. This is what will attract a woman dorsum. You might be thinking… well, if I don't pay attention to her she will exit and observe another guy. My response is always and so she didn't really like you in the commencement identify and you tin can't make water and oil fit. Also, when people create distance, it's natural to remember nigh and want something that we exercise non have.

If whatever of these tips resonated with you, I encourage you to follow some of the tips that I have talked on how to move forward. Once this girl starts coming back, I want you to pace yourself and attract her back with the right traits that yous can showcase since you have no expectations of a specific issue. This woman will at present run across that she besides has to work for something.

If this woman continues to reject you and y'all continue trying, and so it'south time to stop and slowly movement on when y'all are set. Don't go along to pour salt on a wound that isn't healed if you know what I mean.

Your Autobus,

Apollonia Ponti


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